Ozrakovići bb, 71300 Visoko, BiH

Our brands

We proudly present

Why choose Vispak?

We provide consumers the highest quality products from the very heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The number of countries we export
Millions cups of coffee are consumed every day
Years with you


Vispak has been producing domestic products for many years, from the highest quality raw materials with HACAP and HALAL certification. The company currently employs 150 workers, and each employee is genuinely trying to produce the highest quality product. We are primarily consumers of our products, so really every process and raw material is carefully selected. We are constantly working on improving the quality of the existing, but also developing new products. Our production consists of a line of coffee, soups, peanuts, chocolate, powdered products and teas. Since 1998 we have been working on the export of our products, both to the countries of the region and beyond, and today we can proudly say that the strongest brand of Vispak “Zlatna džezva” is exported to 27 countries worldwide.


Kompanija Vispak već dugi niz godina proizvodi domaće proizvode, od najkvalitetnijih sirovina sa HACAP i HALAL certifikatom. U kompaniji je trenutno uposleno 150 radnika, a svaki uposlenik se istinski trudi da proizvede najkvalitetniji proizvod. Prvenstveno smo mi konzumenti naših proizvoda, pa je zaista svaki proces i sirovina pažljivo odabran. Konstantno radimo na unapređenju kvaliteta postojećih, ali i razvoju novih proizvoda. Naša proizvodnja se sastoji od linije kafe, juha, kikirikija, čokolade, praškastih proizvoda i čajeva. Od 1998. godine radimo na izvozu naših artikala, kako u zemlje regije, tako i šire, pa danas sa ponosom možemo reći da najjači brend Vispaka Zlatnu džezvu izvozimo u 27 država svijeta.

Contact us

VISPAK is located in Visoko, the royal city of medieval Bosnia, only 25 km from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and 30 km from Zenica, the seat of the Zenica-Doboj Canton.
Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 17:00h
Sunday - Closed
Tel. 032-738-540 // Fax. 032-738-143
